A man was drowning in the lake 100 feet from the shore.The Republican got a 50 foot rope and threw it to him and said, “Swim in half way.”The Democrat throws out 200 feet of rope and then runs off to rescue someone else.
The beauty of living in the USA is that someone will throw out a rope. Whether it is too much rope or we have to put some effort to get to it is our choice.
I’m considering this my place to vent as I’m infuriated by the number of US Citizens that “bash” our leaders, no matter who they are.
Do I think we should be in the current war? No
Do I think we should actively pursue acts of terrorism? Absolutely
Do I think that the Middle East is a threat? Yes
Do I think we should protect oil interest? Yes – I like my life style, not only the ability to drive my car but everything else that enables us to live in the luxury we live in depends on energy from oil at some point.
Do I believe we should pursue energy alternatives? Daa… The problem here is; are we all willing to pay for and use these alternatives as many times they cost more than oil.
Do I believe in Global Warming? Absolutely – And we are all contributors to its rapid approach.
Is government corrupt? Everything a human being manages has been corrupted. The more people involved in the process the larger the opportunity for corruption. How big is government????
Am I in favor of socializing medicine? We have the opportunity to be the healthiest peoples on the face of this earth. We also have the ability to take care of those who are sick whether by life choices or shear fate. The real question here is do we want to pay the cost to do that.
Are all my answers based on being completely informed on the subject? No; this write is titled “Opinion”
I like to think that I’m a conservative but a friend of mine told me I’m liberal. To be honest, I’m healthy, happy and blessed to be a US Citizen every day. My opinions can be persuaded as I listen with an open mind. Nothing is more stimulating than someone with a wealth of information and the ability to present it. Nothing is more frustrating than a person with a wealth of information that is so obnoxious and insulting that you can’t even listen to them. It’s not the message it’s the messenger!!!!
I’m probably very fortunate that I don’t have a huge circle of “on-line friends” that will read this as I’m sure I would get blasted for my comments. Yes, I’m sensitive.
For those of you that join me in my cyber world I would love to hear your answers to some if not all the above questions. Remember, I listen to the message based on the delivery of the messenger.
I reserve the right to update this blog as my thoughts surface and opinions develop.
I used to have an open mind but my brains kept falling out!