Saturday, March 13, 2010

Free Range Chickens

Recently my family and I saw the Academy Award-nominated documentary, Food, Inc. It was an eye opener for sure. I highly recommend it.

Being a born and raised farm gal from Ohio it made me really think about how I was raised and how healthy I am today.
We raised our own beef, pork and ate free range chickens and eggs. I remember how much I hated getting the eggs out from underneath the chickens and even more, helping my mom butcher the chickens. What a process. We had a huge garden and canned every fall for the winter months ahead. All this and both my parents worked full-time jobs outside of the home. How fortunate for me to be raised on a farm and learn the value of hard work and the true process of putting food on the table.

Today I live in the city limits of a small town. As I was leaving to run the usual Saturday morning errands I spotted some “Free range STREET chickens”. It inspired me to share my thoughts on healthy eating and to encourage you to think about the processed food we all too easily eat every day.

Many questions arise in my mind:
Where did these chickens come from and if they will be on someone’s table tonight?
Does a chicken living in the city require a chicken tag like a dog?
And of course the number one question of all times; which came first, the chicken or the egg?

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